Written by: Stanko Milosev
Category: C#
Hits: 2116
Here is my example of reverese geocoding using Google Cloud API.

For example I have a json like this:

		"Latitude": 50.85583333333334,
		"Longitude": 6.971111111111111
		"Latitude": 50.73305555555556,
		"Longitude": 7.14638888888889
		"Latitude": 50.73305555555556,
		"Longitude": 7.100555555555555
		"Latitude": 50.73305555555556,
		"Longitude": 7.100555555555555
		"Latitude": 44.60615194444445,
		"Longitude": 10.07165611111111
		"Latitude": 44.60615194444445,
		"Longitude": 10.07165611111111
		"Latitude": 45.312777777777778,
		"Longitude": 19.800555555555556
		"Latitude": 45.212535833333337,
		"Longitude": 11.29848288888889
		"Latitude": 44.60631472222222,
		"Longitude": 10.071570277777778
		"Latitude": 45.528055555555557,
		"Longitude": 13.567777777777778
		"Latitude": 45.53,
		"Longitude": 13.563055555555556
		"Latitude": 15.006388888888889,
		"Longitude": 74.0125
Now I want these GPS position to covert to city name and country name. Problem is that not every GPS coordinate can be translated to city, some of them will be translated rather to a comune (municipality), for example Terenzo 44°36'22.2"N 10°04'18.0"E, but in my case I wanted to have saved everything under one name, city name. The other problem is that I want to have only english names like "Cologne" but not "Köln", for example check out this JSON response, notice this part:
	"address_components": [
			"long_name": "6A",
			"short_name": "6A",
			"types": [
			"long_name": "Drosselweg",
			"short_name": "Drosselweg",
			"types": [
			"long_name": "Rodenkirchen",
			"short_name": "Rodenkirchen",
			"types": [
			"long_name": "Köln",
			"short_name": "Köln",
			"types": [
			"long_name": "Kreisfreie Stadt Köln",
			"short_name": "Kreisfreie Stadt Köln",
			"types": [
			"long_name": "Köln",
			"short_name": "K",
			"types": [
			"long_name": "Nordrhein-Westfalen",
			"short_name": "NRW",
			"types": [
			"long_name": "Germany",
			"short_name": "DE",
			"types": [
			"long_name": "50997",
			"short_name": "50997",
			"types": [
	"formatted_address": "Drosselweg 6A, 50997 Köln, Germany",
	"geometry": {
		"location": {
			"lat": 50.8557891,
			"lng": 6.971133699999999
		"location_type": "ROOFTOP",
		"viewport": {
			"northeast": {
				"lat": 50.8571380802915,
				"lng": 6.972482680291502
			"southwest": {
				"lat": 50.8544401197085,
				"lng": 6.969784719708497
	"place_id": "ChIJ8WAVaNcjv0cRwA9j4gjo7eU",
	"plus_code": {
		"compound_code": "VX4C+8F Cologne, Germany",
		"global_code": "9F28VX4C+8F"
	"types": [
Notice type:
"types": [
Now check this part of reult:
	 "address_components" : [
		   "long_name" : "Cologne",
		   "short_name" : "Cologne",
		   "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
		   "long_name" : "Kreisfreie Stadt Köln",
		   "short_name" : "Kreisfreie Stadt Köln",
		   "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_3", "political" ]
		   "long_name" : "Cologne",
		   "short_name" : "K",
		   "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ]
		   "long_name" : "North Rhine-Westphalia",
		   "short_name" : "NRW",
		   "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]
		   "long_name" : "Germany",
		   "short_name" : "DE",
		   "types" : [ "country", "political" ]
	 "formatted_address" : "Cologne, Germany",
	 "geometry" : {
		"bounds" : {
		   "northeast" : {
			  "lat" : 51.08496299999999,
			  "lng" : 7.1620628
		   "southwest" : {
			  "lat" : 50.8304427,
			  "lng" : 6.7725819
		"location" : {
		   "lat" : 50.937531,
		   "lng" : 6.9602786
		"location_type" : "APPROXIMATE",
		"viewport" : {
		   "northeast" : {
			  "lat" : 51.08496299999999,
			  "lng" : 7.1620628
		   "southwest" : {
			  "lat" : 50.8304427,
			  "lng" : 6.7725819
	 "place_id" : "ChIJ5S-raZElv0cR8HcqSvxgJwQ",
	 "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
Notice type:
"types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
You can notice that if type is "street_address" name will be written in german "Kön", but when type is '"locality", "political"'' name will be in english "Cologne". That is why I am gonna always search for a name in a result first where types are "locality", "political".

Here is my code:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

namespace ReverseGeocoding
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      string json = "gpsCoordinates.json";
      JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();

      using (FileStream s = File.Open(json, FileMode.Open))
      using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
      using (JsonReader reader = new JsonTextReader(sr))
        while (reader.Read())
          if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
            LatLng latLng = serializer.Deserialize(reader);

            if (latLng is not null)
                $"Geocode: {latLng.Latitude}, {latLng.Longitude}");

              string url =

              string reverseGeocodeJsonResponse;
              using (System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient())
                reverseGeocodeJsonResponse = client.DownloadString(url);

              JObject reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse = JObject.Parse(reverseGeocodeJsonResponse);

              if (reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse.Count >= 3 &&
                  reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["status"]?.ToString().ToLower() != "ok")
                throw new Exception($"Error: {reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["error_message"]}");

              string city = string.Empty;
              string country = string.Empty;

              //first try to find a city and country where "types": ["locality","political"] in "address_components"
              if (reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["results"] is not null)

                foreach (JToken result in reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["results"])

                  //try to find a city where "types": ["locality","political"] in "address_components"
                  if (result["types"] is not null
                      && result["types"].Count() > 1
                      && result["types"][0] is not null
                      && string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "locality",
                      && result["types"][1] is not null
                      && string.Equals(result["types"][1].ToString(), "political",

                    if (result["address_components"] is not null)
                      foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
                        if (addressComponent["types"] is not null
                            && addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1
                            && addressComponent["types"][0] is not null
                            && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "locality",
                            && addressComponent["types"][1] is not null
                            && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
                          city = addressComponent["long_name"] is null
                            ? string.Empty
                            : addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
                          city = city.Replace("'", "''");

                  //try to find a country where "types": ["country","political"] in "address_components"
                  if (result["types"] is not null
                      && result["types"].Count() > 1
                      && result["types"][0] is not null
                      && string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "country",
                      && result["types"][1] is not null
                      && string.Equals(result["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
                    if (result["address_components"] is not null)
                      foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
                        country = addressComponent["long_name"] is null
                          ? string.Empty
                          : addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
                        country = country.Replace("'", "''");

              //if city was not found
              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(city))
                if (reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["results"] is not null)
                  foreach (JToken result in reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["results"])

                    //try to find a city where type of "address_components" is "plus_code"
                    if (result["types"] is not null
                        && result["types"][0] is not null
                        && string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "plus_code",
                      if (result["address_components"] is not null)
                        foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
                          if (addressComponent["types"] is not null
                              && addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1
                              && addressComponent["types"][0] is not null
                              && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "locality",
                              && addressComponent["types"][1] is not null
                              && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
                            city = addressComponent["long_name"] is null
                              ? string.Empty
                              : addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
                            city = city.Replace("'", "''");

              //if city was not found
              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(city))
                foreach (JToken result in reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["results"])

                  //try to find a city where type is "street_address"
                  if (string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "street_address",
                    foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
                      if (addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1 &&
                          string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "locality",
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
                        city = addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
                        city = city.Replace("'", "''");


              //if city was not found
              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(city))
                foreach (JToken result in reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["results"])

                  //try to find a city where "types": ["administrative_area_level_3","political"] in "address_components" where type is "plus_code"
                  if (string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "plus_code",
                    foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
                      if (addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "administrative_area_level_3",
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
                        city = addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
                        city = city.Replace("'", "''");

              //if city was not found
              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(city))
                foreach (JToken result in reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["results"])

                  //try to find a city where "types": ["administrative_area_level_1","political"] in "address_components" where type is "plus_code"
                  if (string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "plus_code",
                    foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
                      if (addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "administrative_area_level_1",
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
                        city = addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
                        city = city.Replace("'", "''");

              //if city was not found
              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(city))
                foreach (JToken result in reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["results"])

                  //try to find a city where "types": ["route"] in "address_components" where "types": ["administrative_area_level_1", "political"]
                  if (string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "route",
                    foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
                      if (addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "administrative_area_level_1",
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
                        city = addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
                        city = city.Replace("'", "''");

              //if city was not found
              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(city))
                foreach (JToken result in reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["results"])

                  //try to find a city where "type" is "plus_code" and "types": ["political", "sublocality", "sublocality_level_1"] in "address_components"
                  if (string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "plus_code",
                    foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
                      if (addressComponent["types"].Count() > 2
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "political",
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "sublocality",
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][2].ToString(), "sublocality_level_1",
                        city = addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
                        city = city.Replace("'", "''");

              //if country was not found
              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(country))
                foreach (JToken result in reverseGeocodeJObjectResponse["results"])

                  //try to find a country where "type" is "plus_code" and "types": ["country", "political"] in "address_components"
                  if (string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "plus_code",
                    foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
                      if (addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "country",
                          && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
                        country = addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
                        country = country.Replace("'", "''");

              Console.WriteLine($"City: {city}, country: {country}");


    class LatLng
      public string Latitude { get; set; }
      public string Longitude { get; set; }
This part of code will be executed with 50°43'59.0"N 7°08'47.0"E, JSON response you can see here, better example is 50°51'21.0"N 6°58'16.0"E(50.855833, 6.971111), JSON response you can see here:
//try to find a city where "types": ["locality","political"] in "address_components"
if (result["types"] is not null
	&& result["types"].Count() > 1
	&& result["types"][0] is not null
	&& string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "locality",
	&& result["types"][1] is not null
	&& string.Equals(result["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
	if (result["address_components"] is not null)
		foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
			if (addressComponent["types"] is not null
				&& addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1
				&& addressComponent["types"][0] is not null
				&& string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "locality",
				&& addressComponent["types"][1] is not null
				&& string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
				city = addressComponent["long_name"] is null
					? string.Empty
					: addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
				city = city.Replace("'", "''");
This part of code will be executed with 44°36'22.2"N 10°04'18.0"E, JSON response you can see here
//try to find a city where "types": ["administrative_area_level_3","political"] in "address_components" where type is "plus_code"
if (string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "plus_code",
	foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
		if (addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1
			&& string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "administrative_area_level_3",
			&& string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
			city = addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
			city = city.Replace("'", "''");
This part of code will be executed with 45°18'46.0"N 19°48'02.0"E, JSON response you can see here:
//try to find a city where type of "address_components" is "plus_code"
if (result["types"] is not null
	&& result["types"][0] is not null
	&& string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "plus_code",
	if (result["address_components"] is not null)
		foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
			if (addressComponent["types"] is not null
				&& addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1
				&& addressComponent["types"][0] is not null
				&& string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "locality",
				&& addressComponent["types"][1] is not null
				&& string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
				city = addressComponent["long_name"] is null
					? string.Empty
					: addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
				city = city.Replace("'", "''");
This part of code will be executed with 45°12'45.1"N 11°17'54.5"E, JSON response you can see here:
//try to find a city where type is "street_address"
if (string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "street_address",
	foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
		if (addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1 &&
			string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "locality",
			&& string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
			city = addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
			city = city.Replace("'", "''");
This part of code will be executed with 45°31'41.0"N 13°34'04.0"E, JSON response you can see here:
  //try to find a city where "types": ["administrative_area_level_1","political"] in "address_components" where type is "plus_code"
  if (string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "plus_code",
	foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
	  if (addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1
		  && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "administrative_area_level_1",
		  && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
		city = addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
		city = city.Replace("'", "''");
This part of code will be executed with 45°31'48.0"N 13°33'47.0"E, JSON response you can see here:
  //try to find a city where "types": ["route"] in "address_components" where "types": ["administrative_area_level_1", "political"]
  if (string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "route",
	foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
	  if (addressComponent["types"].Count() > 1
		  && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "administrative_area_level_1",
		  && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "political",
		city = addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
		city = city.Replace("'", "''");
This part of code will be executed with 15°00'23.0"N 74°00'45.0"E, JSON response you can see here:
  //try to find a city where "type" is "plus_code" and "types": ["political", "sublocality", "sublocality_level_1"] in "address_components"
  if (string.Equals(result["types"][0].ToString(), "plus_code",
	foreach (JToken addressComponent in result["address_components"])
	  if (addressComponent["types"].Count() > 2
		  && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][0].ToString(), "political",
		  && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][1].ToString(), "sublocality",
		  && string.Equals(addressComponent["types"][2].ToString(), "sublocality_level_1",
		city = addressComponent["long_name"].ToString();
		city = city.Replace("'", "''");
Example project download from here