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- Written by: Stanko Milosev
- Category: dbExpress
- Hits: 6325
Problem with dbExpress is that it does not raise an exception if anything is wrong in database (for example, if you try to add primary key which already exist). So, to get an exception, best would be to use OnReconcileError in TClientDataSet... Small example:
procedure Tdm.cdsReconcileError(DataSet: TCustomClientDataSet;
E: EReconcileError; UpdateKind: TUpdateKind; var Action: TReconcileAction);
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- Written by: Stanko Milosev
- Category: Web
- Hits: 11778
If you need to automate IE8, popup windows, then read this article
Window structure go like this:
Frame Tab,
Shell DocObject View,
Internet Explorer_Server.
So, code would go something like this:
var Wnd: HWND; WndChild: HWND; IE: iwebbrowser2; begin webBrowser.Quit; try Wnd := FindWindow('IEFrame', nil); if Wnd = 0 then //No running instance of Internet Explorer so stop! begin showmessage('No Running instance of Internet Explorer'); exit; end; WndChild := FindWindowEX(Wnd , 0, 'Frame Tab', nil); Wnd := FindWindowEX(WndChild, 0, 'TabWindowClass', nil); Wnd := FindWindowEX(Wnd, 0, 'Shell DocObject View', nil); Wnd := FindWindowEX(Wnd, 0, 'Internet Explorer_Server', nil); if Wnd <> 0 then begin GetIEFromHWnd(Wnd, IE); //Get Iwebbrowser2 from Handle Result := IE; end; except on e: Exception do ShowMessage('GetIE' + e.Message); end; end function .GetIEFromHWND(WHandle: HWND; var IE: IWebbrowser2): HRESULT; var hInst: HWND; lRes: Cardinal; MSG: Integer; pDoc: IHTMLDocument2; ObjectFromLresult: TObjectFromLresult; begin hInst := LoadLibrary('Oleacc.dll'); @ObjectFromLresult := GetProcAddress(hInst, 'ObjectFromLresult'); if @ObjectFromLresult <> nil then begin try MSG := RegisterWindowMessage('WM_HTML_GETOBJECT'); SendMessageTimeOut(WHandle, MSG, 0, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, lRes); Result := ObjectFromLresult(lRes, IHTMLDocument2, 0, pDoc); if Result = S_OK then (pDoc.parentWindow as IServiceprovider).QueryService(IWebbrowserApp, IWebbrowser2, IE); finally FreeLibrary(hInst); end; end; end;
I was using myCatch, to get windows structure.
This code which I left here is just to give you idea, I hope that soon I will upload example of automation IE6, IE7 and IE8...
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- Written by: Stanko Milosev
- Category: Web
- Hits: 5655
One way to show user location on the google maps, in his/her default browser:
Where, of course, you should put instead of:
adress you would like to search...
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- Written by: Stanko Milosev
- Category: Web
- Hits: 6889
I was using TEmbeddedWB:
EmbeddedWb1.ElementByID['username'].SetAttribute('value', 'stanko', 0)
This is if you ger error:
Exception class EOleError with message 'Method 'Name' not supported by automation object
In TEmbeddedWB.