To write this article, I was using this web page. As as it is written there, first download msysgit, I downloaded msysGit-fullinstall-, after unzipping it start msys.bat if it doesn start automatically, and write following lines, one by one:
cd ~
git clone git-ftp.git
cd git-ftp.git && chmod +x git-ftp
cp ~/git-ftp.git/git-ftp /bin/git-ftp
Now you can close window, and execute git-cmd.bat.
We have to set up our ftp. First go to folder which you want to synchronize, for example C:\gitTest\First, then set up ftp user and pass. For me it was something like this:
git config git-ftp.user ftpUser
git config git-ftp.url
git config git-ftp.password ftpPass
git ftp init
Now we can push:
git ftp push
And enjoy :)
if you are receiving error like:
error: could not lock config file .git/config: No such file or directory
Then do something like
mkdir .git
git config --global "
and error message is gone. Taken from here
Also, it seems that before git ftp init we have to execute git init command
and if you are receiving error like:
fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'
Then it seems that first you have to commit to your local git repository, something like I already described here.
To download to my local machine, first I had to copy my source with simple ftp client, then to repeat all previous steps to have git local repository... I couldn't find another way...
Also, when I already have repositories, after getting the source with ftp client then when I execute:
git ftp catchup
I will keep my history...
It seems that something like
git pull ftp://userName:
should also work, except in my case...
Finally, this is my procedure how I am doing git for ftp:
git add . --all
git commit -m "Commit locally"
git ftp push
I don't understand why I have to execute "git add . --all" but without that my code will not be added to the git.