From Microsoft web site:

In a generic type or method definition, a type parameter is a placeholder for a specific type that a client specifies when they create an instance of the generic type. A generic class, such as GenericList listed in Introduction to Generics, cannot be used as-is because it is not really a type; it is more like a blueprint for a type.

In my case I wanted to have two different generic list names, generated from different classes, but those classes would be inherited from one class, something like this:

  class IDName
    public Guid ID;
    public string Name;

  class FirstIDName: IDName { }
  class SecondIDName : IDName { }
Then I need one method to fill those classes:
public static void AddToIDName<T>(List<T> iDNameList, string name) where T : IDName, new()
  iDNameList.Add(new T
	ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
	Name = name

Here notice constraint "where T : IDName, new()". I needed constraint new because of line: "iDNameList.Add(new T"

Whole example:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace GenericList
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      List<FirstIDName> firstIDNames = new List<FirstIDName>();
      List<SecondIDName> secondIDNames = new List<SecondIDName>();

      AddToIDName(firstIDNames, "firstIDNameTestOne");
      AddToIDName(firstIDNames, "firstIDNameTestTwo");

      AddToIDName(secondIDNames, "secondIDNameTestOne");
      AddToIDName(secondIDNames, "secondIDNameTestTwo");
      AddToIDName(secondIDNames, "secondIDNameTestThree");

      foreach (FirstIDName firstIDName in firstIDNames)
        Console.WriteLine($"id: {firstIDName.ID}, name: {firstIDName.Name}");

      foreach (SecondIDName secondIDName in secondIDNames)
        Console.WriteLine($"id: {secondIDName.ID}, name: {secondIDName.Name}");

      Console.WriteLine("The end");

    public static void AddToIDName<T>(List<T> iDNameList, string name) where T : IDName, new()
      iDNameList.Add(new T
        ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
        Name = name