Recently I was trying to deserialize JSON which I have received from Google Reverse Geocoding (Address Lookup). First I was playing with example which is described here, but I didn't like that method, since it is too complicated. In order to deserialize JSON into an object, first I have to create that object, and in case of Google it is too complicated. Here is my partial solution, when I definitely decided to give up. I needed name of the city, and state of location:
using (JsonDocument document = JsonDocument.Parse(doc))
	Console.WriteLine($"plus_code: {document.RootElement.GetProperty("plus_code")}");
	foreach (JsonElement element in document.RootElement.GetProperty("results").EnumerateArray())
		foreach (JsonElement addComp in element.GetProperty("address_components").EnumerateArray())
			Console.WriteLine($"long_name: {addComp.GetProperty("long_name")}, short_name: {addComp.GetProperty("short_name")}");
			foreach (JsonElement type in addComp.GetProperty("types").EnumerateArray())
				Console.WriteLine($"type: {type.ToString()}");
I have decided to go further using this (Newtonsoft.Json) solution. Just with one line of code:
JObject myJObject = JObject.Parse(doc);
I have basically extracted everything I need.