It seems that knockout doesn't like HTML without closing tags. Code like:

<div data-bind="foreach: Cars">

	<!-- car value has to exist and has to be under quotes, otherwise it doesn't work -->
	<select autowidth="true" data-bind="
		options: $root.carTypes
		,optionsValue: 'carValue'


Will produce something like (notice that "test" is inside select tag):

<select autowidth="true" data-bind="
				options: $root.carTypes
				,optionsValue: 'carValue'
			"><option value="BMW">BMW</option><option value="Ferrari">Ferrari</option><option value="Fiat">Fiat</option><option value="Ford">Ford</option><option value="Mercedes-Benz">Mercedes-Benz</option>




Code like:

<div data-bind="foreach: Cars">

	<!-- car value has to exist and has to be under quotes, otherwise it doesn't work -->
	<select autowidth="true" data-bind="
		options: $root.carTypes
		,optionsValue: 'carValue'


Will produce something like:

<div data-bind="foreach: Cars">

	<!-- car value has to exist and has to be under quotes, otherwise it doesn't work -->
	<select autowidth="true" data-bind="
		options: $root.carTypes
		,optionsValue: 'carValue'
	"><option value="BMW">BMW</option><option value="Ferrari">Ferrari</option><option value="Fiat">Fiat</option><option value="Ford">Ford</option><option value="Mercedes-Benz">Mercedes-Benz</option></select>


Notice <br> tag two times


Finally code (notice that br is without closing tag):

<div data-bind="foreach: Cars">

	<!-- car value has to exist and has to be under quotes, otherwise it doesn't work -->
	<select autowidth="true" data-bind="
		options: $root.carTypes
		,optionsValue: 'carValue'


Will work as expected