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- Written by: Stanko Milosev
- Category: C#
- Hits: 1239
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace UltraGridHierarchical { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<MyChild> stankosKids = new List<MyChild>(); stankosKids.Add(new MyChild {Name = "Velimir", Gender = "Male"}); stankosKids.Add(new MyChild {Name = "Hilda", Gender = "Female"}); List<MyChild> arnoldsKids = new List<MyChild>(); arnoldsKids.Add(new MyChild {Name = "Thomas", Gender = "Male"}); arnoldsKids.Add(new MyChild {Name = "Sabrina", Gender = "Female"}); List<MyChild> chucksKids = new List<MyChild>(); chucksKids.Add(new MyChild {Name = "Bruce", Gender = "Male"}); chucksKids.Add(new MyChild {Name = "Lee", Gender = "Female"}); List<MyParent> list = new List<MyParent>(); list.Add(new MyParent {ID = 1, FirstName = "Stanko", LastName = "Milosev", Address = "Herseler strasse 8", MyKids = stankosKids}); list.Add(new MyParent {ID = 2, FirstName = "Arnold", LastName = "Schwarzeneger", Address = "Whitehouse 1", MyKids = arnoldsKids}); list.Add(new MyParent {ID = 3, FirstName = "Chuck", LastName = "Norris", Address = "Las Vegas", MyKids = chucksKids}); ultraGrid1.SetDataBinding(list, null); } public class MyParent { public int ID { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public string Address { get; set; } public List<MyChild> MyKids { get; set; } } public class MyChild { public string Name { get; set; } public string Gender { get; set; } } } }Source code.
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- Written by: Stanko Milosev
- Category: C#
- Hits: 5912
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="links" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler"> </section> </configSections> <links> <add key="link1" value="http://www.milosev.com/csharp/" /> <add key="link2" value="http://milosev.com/asp-net-mvc-3" /> </links> <appSettings> <add key="homePage" value="http://milosev.com/" /> </appSettings> <startup> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" /> </startup> </configuration>.NET code:
using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Configuration; namespace CustomConfig { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { NameValueCollection links = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("links") as NameValueCollection; string homePage = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("homePage"); Console.WriteLine("Home page: " + homePage); foreach (string link in links) { Console.WriteLine("Link: " + links.Get(link)); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); } } }In reference list you will need to add System.Configuration. POI:
<configSections> <section name="links" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler"> </section> </configSections>Here is more about configSection. Also notice line: Console.WriteLine("Link: " + links.Get(link));
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- Written by: Stanko Milosev
- Category: C#
- Hits: 6058
One my example of interpolated string (taken from here):
string name = "stanko"; DateTime hours = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine($"Name = {name}, hours = {hours:hh}"); Console.ReadKey();
Composite string:
string name = "stanko"; Console.WriteLine("Name = {0}, hours = {1:hh}", name, DateTime.Now); Console.ReadKey();
According to Microsoft:
Interpolated string are easier to understand than a composite format string.
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- Written by: Stanko Milosev
- Category: C#
- Hits: 5721
To assign IEnumerable to a new instance of IEnumerable, you will need ToList method. Here is an example:
IEnumerable instanceOne; IEnumerable instanceTwo; List instanceListOne = new List(); instanceListOne.Add("a"); instanceListOne.Add("b"); instanceOne = instanceListOne; instanceTwo = instanceOne; instanceListOne.Add("c"); foreach (string instance in instanceTwo) { Console.WriteLine(instance); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key"); Console.ReadKey(); instanceTwo = instanceOne.ToList(); instanceListOne.Add("d"); foreach (string instance in instanceTwo) { Console.WriteLine(instance); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key"); Console.ReadKey();
Notice first:
instanceListOne.Add("a"); instanceListOne.Add("b"); instanceOne = instanceListOne; instanceTwo = instanceOne;
I added firs "a" and "b" to instanceListOne, I assigned instanceListOne to instanceOne, and then I assigned instanceOne to instanceTwo, after that I added "c" to instanceListOne, then I went through instanceTwo and result is:
"c" is displayed also in instanceTwo.
Now to have two separate instances of IEnumerable, we need something like:
instanceTwo = instanceOne.ToList();
After that I did something like:
Result will be still as in previous picture, "d" is not added to instanceTwo, since now we really have separate instances.
Example download from here.